What Not to Joke About

There are some things in life that you just don’t need to joke about.

1. Miming/joking about killing yourself.  I know one person who does this in particular and we’re not that close (partly because of this).  So one time, we were in a boring class together and she mimed shooting herself in the head.  The main reason this isn’t funny is because there are people out there who are seriously thinking about killing themselves, who are seriously depressed and need help and love.  Yes this class is boring, but get over it.  Depression is a serious issue and we shouldn’t make it or self-harm seem okay by joking about it.

2. Joking about women having miscarriages or abortions.  Seriously; I know someone who joked about a woman having a miscarriage.  Our biology teacher was telling us about a friend who had just lost her unborn baby and my classmate made a joke about it.  I’m not over; nor am I over the time he joked about abortion or the times he’s send me inappropriate pictures.  Abortions and miscarriages are tragic things that happen to women and affect their husbands/boyfriends.  A miscarriage is the loss of a human child and so is an abortion.  The only difference is that one is wanted by it’s mother and the other isn’t.  Apparently the humanity of a baby in the womb is determined by whether or not he/she is wanted.  Joking about miscarriages and abortions is making these things seem commonplace and that is not acceptable.

These are two things that people do that just really upset me.  If you have any others, comment and I may write a blog post about that too.

Remember to be careful with what you say.


Published by: discerningat16

I've been Catholic all my life. I'm 16 years old. I have one best friend who's stuck with me through everything, but I don't let that past define me. I probably watch to much TV.

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